HSektion H — ElektrotechnikELECTRICITY
disable hierarchy mode: H01H01Elektrische BauteileELECTRIC ELEMENTS
disable hierarchy mode: H01MLink to definition of IPC symbol: H01MH01MVerfahren oder Mittel, z.B. Batterien, für die direkte Umwandlung von chemischer in elektrische Energie [2]PROCESSES OR MEANS, e.g. BATTERIES, FOR THE DIRECT CONVERSION OF CHEMICAL ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY [2]
disable hierarchy mode: H01M 12/00Link to definition of IPC symbol: H01M 12/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: H01M 12/00H01M 12/00Hybridzellen; Herstellung derselben ( Hybrid-Kondensatoren H01G 11/00) [2, 2006.01]Hybrid cells; Manufacture thereof (hybrid capacitors H01G 11/00) [2, 2006.01]
disable hierarchy mode: H01M 12/04Link to definition of IPC symbol: H01M 12/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: H01M 12/04H01M 12/04
zusammengesetzt aus einer Halbzelle des Brennstoffelement-Typs und einer Halbzelle des Primärzellentyps [2, 2006.01]
composed of a half-cell of the fuel-cell type and of a half-cell of the primary-cell type [2, 2006.01]
disable hierarchy mode: H01M 12/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: H01M 12/06H01M 12/06
. . mit einer Metallelektrode und einer Gaselektrode [2, 2006.01]
. . with one metallic and one gaseous electrode [2, 2006.01]