ASektion A — Täglicher LebensbedarfHUMAN NECESSITIES
Gesundheitswesen; Lebensrettung; VergnügungenHEALTH; LIFE-SAVING; AMUSEMENT
enable hierarchy mode: A61A61Medizin oder Tiermedizin; HygieneMEDICAL OR VETERINARY SCIENCE; HYGIENE
enable hierarchy mode: A61PLink to definition of IPC symbol: A61PA61PSpezifische therapeutische Aktivität von chemischen Verbindungen oder medizinischen Zubereitungen [7]SPECIFIC THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS OR MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS [7]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/00A61P 1/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des Gastrointestinaltrakts oder des Verdauungssystems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the alimentary tract or the digestive system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/02A61P 1/02
Stomatologische Zubereitungen, z.B. Arzneimittel gegen Karies, Aphthen, Periodontitis [7, 2006.01]
Stomatological preparations, e.g. drugs for caries, aphtae, periodontitis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/04A61P 1/04
gegen Ulzera, Gastritis oder Reflux-Ösophagitis, z.B. Antazida, Inhibitoren der Säuresekretion, Schleimhaut-Schutzmittel [7, 2006.01]
for ulcers, gastritis or reflux esophagitis, e.g. antacids, inhibitors of acid secretion, mucosal protectants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/06A61P 1/06
Spasmolytika, z.B. Arzneimittel gegen Koliken oder gegen Motilitätsstörungen der Speiseröhre [7, 2006.01]
Anti-spasmodics, e.g. drugs for colics, esophagic dyskinesia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/08A61P 1/08
gegen Nausea, Kinetosen oder Vertigo; Antiemetika [7, 2006.01]
for nausea, cinetosis or vertigo; Antiemetics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/10A61P 1/10
Laxanzien [7, 2006.01]
Laxatives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/12A61P 1/12
Antidiarrhoika [7, 2006.01]
Antidiarrhoeals [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/14A61P 1/14
Digestiva, z.B. Säuren, Enzyme, appetitanregende Mittel, Antidyspeptika, Tonika, Karminativa [7, 2006.01]
Prodigestives, e.g. acids, enzymes, appetite stimulants, antidyspeptics, tonics, antiflatulents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/16A61P 1/16
gegen Lebererkrankungen oder Gallenwegserkrankungen, z.B. Leberschutztherapeutika, Cholagoga, steinauflösende Mittel [7, 2006.01]
for liver or gallbladder disorders, e.g. hepatoprotective agents, cholagogues, litholytics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 1/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 1/18A61P 1/18
gegen Störungen des Pankreas, z.B. Pankreas-Enzyme [7, 2006.01]
for pancreatic disorders, e.g. pancreatic enzymes [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/00A61P 3/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des Stoffwechsels (gegen Krankheiten des Blutes oder gegen Störungen der extrazellulären Flüssigkeit A61P 7/00) [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the metabolism (of the blood or the extracellular fluid A61P 7/00) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/02A61P 3/02
Nährstoffe, z.B. Vitamine, Mineralstoffe [7, 2006.01]
Nutrients, e.g. vitamins, minerals [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/04A61P 3/04
Appetitzügler; Schlankheitsmittel [7, 2006.01]
Anorexiants; Antiobesity agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/06A61P 3/06
Lipidsenker [7, 2006.01]
Antihyperlipidemics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/08A61P 3/08
für die Homöostase des Glucosestoffwechsels (Pankreas-Hormone A61P 5/48) [7, 2006.01]
for glucose homeostasis (pancreatic hormones A61P 5/48) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/10A61P 3/10
. . gegen Hyperglykämie, z.B. Antidiabetika [7, 2006.01]
. . for hyperglycaemia, e.g. antidiabetics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/12A61P 3/12
für die Homöostase des Elektrolythaushaltes [7, 2006.01]
for electrolyte homeostasis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 3/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 3/14A61P 3/14
. . für die Homöostase des Calciumhaushaltes (Vitamin D A61P 3/02Nebenschilddrüsenhormone A61P 5/18Calcitonin A61P 5/22Osteoporose A61P 19/10Knochenmetastasen A61P 35/04) [7, 2006.01]
. . for calcium homeostasis (vitamin D A61P 3/02parathyroid hormones A61P 5/18calcitonin A61P 5/22osteoporosis A61P 19/10bone metastasis A61P 35/04) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/00A61P 5/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des endokrinen Systems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the endocrine system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/02A61P 5/02
der Hypothalamushormone, z.B. TRH, GnRH, CRH, GRH, Somatostatin [7, 2006.01]
of the hypothalamic hormones, e.g. TRH, GnRH, CRH, GRH, somatostatin [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/04A61P 5/04
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Hypothalamushormonen [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of the hypothalamic hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/06A61P 5/06
der Hormone des Hypophysenvorderlappens, z.B. TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, PRL, GH [7, 2006.01]
of the anterior pituitary hormones, e.g. TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, PRL, GH [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/08A61P 5/08
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Hormonen des Hypophysenvorderlappens [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of the anterior pituitary hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/10A61P 5/10
der Hormone des Hypophysenhinterlappens, z.B. Oxytocin, ADH [7, 2006.01]
of the posterior pituitary hormones, e.g. oxytocin, ADH [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/12A61P 5/12
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Hormonen des Hypophysenhinterlappens [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of the posterior pituitary hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/14A61P 5/14
der Schilddrüsenhormone, z.B. T3, T4 [7, 2006.01]
of the thyroid hormones, e.g. T3, T4 [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/16A61P 5/16
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Schilddrüsenhormonen [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of the thyroid hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/18A61P 5/18
der Nebenschilddrüsenhormone [7, 2006.01]
of the parathyroid hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/20Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/20A61P 5/20
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von PTH [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of PTH [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/22Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/22A61P 5/22
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Calcitonin [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of calcitonin [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/24Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/24A61P 5/24
der Sexualhormone [7, 2006.01]
of the sex hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/26Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/26A61P 5/26
. . Androgene [7, 2006.01]
. . Androgens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/28Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/28A61P 5/28
. . Antiandrogene [7, 2006.01]
. . Antiandrogens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/30Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/30A61P 5/30
. . Östrogene [7, 2006.01]
. . Oestrogens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/32Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/32A61P 5/32
. . Antiöstrogene [7, 2006.01]
. . Antioestrogens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/34Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/34A61P 5/34
. . Gestagene [7, 2006.01]
. . Gestagens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/36Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/36A61P 5/36
. . Antigestagene [7, 2006.01]
. . Antigestagens [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/38Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/38A61P 5/38
der Nebennierenhormone [7, 2006.01]
of the suprarenal hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/40Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/40A61P 5/40
. . Mineralocorticoide, z.B. Aldosteron; Arzneimittel, die die Aktivität von Mineralocorticoiden erhöhen oder wirksam machen [7, 2006.01]
. . Mineralocorticosteroids, e.g. aldosterone; Drugs increasing or potentiating the activity of mineralocorticosteroids [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/42Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/42A61P 5/42
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Mineralocorticoiden [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of mineralocorticosteroids [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/44Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/44A61P 5/44
. . Glucocorticoide; Arzneimittel, die die Aktivität von Glucocorticoiden erhöhen oder wirksam machen [7, 2006.01]
. . Glucocorticosteroids; Drugs increasing or potentiating the activity of glucocorticosteroids [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/46Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/46A61P 5/46
. . zum Senken, Blockieren oder Antagonisieren der Aktivität von Glucocorticoiden [7, 2006.01]
. . for decreasing, blocking or antagonising the activity of glucocorticosteroids [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/48Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/48A61P 5/48
der Pankreashormone [7, 2006.01]
of the pancreatic hormones [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 5/50Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 5/50A61P 5/50
. . zum Erhöhen oder Wirksammachen der Aktivität von Insulin [7, 2006.01]
. . for increasing or potentiating the activity of insulin [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/00A61P 7/00Arzneimittel gegen Krankheiten des Blutes oder gegen Störungen der extrazellulären Flüssigkeit [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the blood or the extracellular fluid [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/02A61P 7/02
Antithrombotika; Antikoagulantien; Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer [7, 2006.01]
Antithrombotic agents; Anticoagulants; Platelet aggregation inhibitors [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/04A61P 7/04
Antihämorragika; Prokoagulatoren; Hämostatika; Antifibrinolytika [7, 2006.01]
Antihaemorrhagics; Procoagulants; Haemostatic agents; Antifibrinolytic agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/06A61P 7/06
Antianämika [7, 2006.01]
Antianaemics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/08A61P 7/08
Plasmaexpander; Perfusionslösungen; Mittel für die Dialyse oder Hämodialyse; Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des Elektrolyt- oder Säure-Basen-Haushaltes, z.B. hypovolämischer Schock (künstliche Tränen A61P 27/04) [7, 2006.01]
Plasma substitutes; Perfusion solutions; Dialytics or haemodialytics; Drugs for electrolytic or acid-base disorders, e.g. hypovolemic shock (artificial tears A61P 27/04) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/10A61P 7/10
Mittel gegen Ödeme; Diuretika [7, 2006.01]
Antioedematous agents; Diuretics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 7/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 7/12A61P 7/12
Antidiuretika, z.B. Mittel gegen Diabetes insipidus (ADH A61P 5/10) [7, 2006.01]
Antidiuretics, e.g. drugs for diabetes insipidus (ADH A61P 5/10) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/00A61P 9/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des kardiovaskulären Systems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the cardiovascular system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/02A61P 9/02
nicht-spezifische kardiovaskuläre Stimulantien, z.B. Arzneimittel gegen Synkopen, Antihypotonika [7, 2006.01]
Non-specific cardiovascular stimulants, e.g. drugs for syncope, antihypotensives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/04A61P 9/04
Ionotrope Mittel, d.h. Stimulation der Herzkontraktion; Arzneimittel bei Herzversagen [7, 2006.01]
Inotropic agents, i.e. stimulants of cardiac contraction; Drugs for heart failure [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/06A61P 9/06
Antiarrythmika [7, 2006.01]
Antiarrhythmics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/08A61P 9/08
Vasodilatatoren für mannigfaltige Indikationen [7, 2006.01]
Vasodilators for multiple indications [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/10A61P 9/10
für die Behandlung ischämischer oder atherosklerotischer Erkrankungen, z.B. Mittel gegen Angina pectoris, koronare Vasodilatatoren, Arzneimittel gegen Myokardinfarzierung, Retinopathie, zerebrovaskuläre Insuffizienz, Nierenarteriosklerose [7, 2006.01]
for treating ischaemic or atherosclerotic diseases, e.g. antianginal drugs, coronary vasodilators, drugs for myocardial infarction, retinopathy, cerebrovascula insufficiency, renal arteriosclerosis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/12A61P 9/12
Antihypertonika [7, 2006.01]
Antihypertensives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 9/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 9/14A61P 9/14
Gefäßschützende Mittel; Antihämorridenmittel; Mittel zur Behandlung der Varikosis; Kapillarstabilisatoren [7, 2006.01]
Vasoprotectives; Antihaemorrhoidals; Drugs for varicose therapy; Capillary stabilisers [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/00A61P 11/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des respiratorischen Systems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/02A61P 11/02
Rhinologika, z.B. abschwellende Mittel [7, 2006.01]
Nasal agents, e.g. decongestants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/04A61P 11/04
Rachentherapeutika [7, 2006.01]
for throat disorders [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/06A61P 11/06
Antiasthmatika [7, 2006.01]
Antiasthmatics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/08A61P 11/08
Bronchodilatatoren [7, 2006.01]
Bronchodilators [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/10A61P 11/10
Expektorantia [7, 2006.01]
Expectorants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/12A61P 11/12
Mukolytika [7, 2006.01]
Mucolytics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/14A61P 11/14
Antitussiva [7, 2006.01]
Antitussive agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 11/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 11/16A61P 11/16
Zentral-respiratorische Analeptika [7, 2006.01]
Central respiratory analeptics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/00A61P 13/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen der Nieren und der harnableitenden Organe (Diuretika A61P 7/10) [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the urinary system (diuretics A61P 7/10) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/02A61P 13/02
des Harns oder des Harntrakts, z.B. Mittel zur Ansäuerung des Harns [7, 2006.01]
of urine or of the urinary tract, e.g. urine acidifiers [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/04A61P 13/04
gegen Urolithiasis [7, 2006.01]
for urolithiasis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/06A61P 13/06
Spasmolytika [7, 2006.01]
Anti-spasmodics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/08A61P 13/08
der Prostata [7, 2006.01]
of the prostate [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/10A61P 13/10
der Harnblase [7, 2006.01]
of the bladder [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 13/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 13/12A61P 13/12
der Nieren [7, 2006.01]
of the kidneys [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/00A61P 15/00Arzneimittel gegen Genitalstörungen oder Sexualstörungen (gegen Störungen der Sexualhormone A61P 5/24); Kontrazeptiva [7, 2006.01]Drugs for genital or sexual disorders (for disorders of sex hormones A61P 5/24); Contraceptives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/02A61P 15/02
gegen Störungen der Vagina [7, 2006.01]
for disorders of the vagina [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/04A61P 15/04
zur Einleitung einer Geburt oder eines Aborts; Uterotonika [7, 2006.01]
for inducing labour or abortion; Uterotonics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/06A61P 15/06
antiabortive Mittel; wehenhemmende Mittel [7, 2006.01]
Antiabortive agents; Labour repressants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/08A61P 15/08
gegen Störungen der Gonaden oder zur Steigerung der Fertilität, z.B. Ovulationsauslöser oder Mittel zur Induktion der Spermatogenese [7, 2006.01]
for gonadal disorders or for enhancing fertility, e.g. inducers of ovulation or of spermatogenesis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/10A61P 15/10
gegen Impotenz [7, 2006.01]
for impotence [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/12A61P 15/12
gegen klimakterische Beschwerden [7, 2006.01]
for climacteric disorders [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/14A61P 15/14
gegen Milchbildungsstörungen, z.B. Galaktorrhoe [7, 2006.01]
for lactation disorders, e.g. galactorrhoea [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/16A61P 15/16
Kontrazeptiva für den Mann [7, 2006.01]
Masculine contraceptives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 15/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 15/18A61P 15/18
Kontrazeptiva für die Frau [7, 2006.01]
Feminine contraceptives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/00A61P 17/00Arzneimittel gegen dermatologische Störungen [7, 2006.01]Drugs for dermatological disorders [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/02A61P 17/02
zur Behandlung von Wunden, Geschwüren, Verbrennungen, Narben, Keloide oder dgl. [7, 2006.01]
for treating wounds, ulcers, burns, scars, keloids, or the like [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/04A61P 17/04
Antipruriginosa [7, 2006.01]
Antipruritics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/06A61P 17/06
Antipsoriatika [7, 2006.01]
Antipsoriatics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/08A61P 17/08
Antiseborrhoika [7, 2006.01]
Antiseborrheics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/10A61P 17/10
Aknemittel [7, 2006.01]
Anti-acne agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/12A61P 17/12
Keratolytika, z.B. Warzenmittel oder Hühneraugenmittel [7, 2006.01]
Keratolytics, e.g. wart or anti-corn preparations [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/14A61P 17/14
gegen Kahlköpfigkeit oder Alopezie [7, 2006.01]
for baldness or alopecia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/16A61P 17/16
Aufweichungsmittel oder Schutzmittel, z.B. gegen Strahlung [7, 2006.01]
Emollients or protectives, e.g. against radiation [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 17/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 17/18A61P 17/18
Antioxidationsmittel, z.B. Antiradikale (Zubereitungen für den Sonnenschutz A61Q 17/00) [2006.01]
Antioxidants, e.g. antiradicals (preparations for protection against sunlight A61Q 17/00) [2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/00A61P 19/00Arzneimittel gegen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates [7, 2006.01]Drugs for skeletal disorders [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/02A61P 19/02
gegen Gelenkerkrankungen, z.B. Arthritis, Arthrose [7, 2006.01]
for joint disorders, e.g. arthritis, arthrosis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/04A61P 19/04
gegen unspezifische Störungen des Bindegewebes [7, 2006.01]
for non-specific disorders of the connective tissue [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/06A61P 19/06
Gichtmittel, z.B. Urikostatika oder Urikosurika [7, 2006.01]
Antigout agents, e.g. antihyperuricemic or uricosuric agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/08A61P 19/08
gegen Knochenerkrankungen, z.B. Rachitis, Paget-Krankheit [7, 2006.01]
for bone diseases, e.g. rachitism, Paget's disease [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 19/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 19/10A61P 19/10
. . gegen Osteoporose [7, 2006.01]
. . for osteoporosis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 21/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 21/00A61P 21/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des muskulären oder neuromuskulären Systems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the muscular or neuromuscular system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 21/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 21/02A61P 21/02
Muskelrelaxantia, z.B. gegen Tetanus oder Krämpfe [7, 2006.01]
Muscle relaxants, e.g. for tetanus or cramps [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 21/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 21/04A61P 21/04
gegen Myosthenia gravis [7, 2006.01]
for myasthenia gravis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 21/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 21/06A61P 21/06
Anabolika (Androgene A61P 5/26) [7, 2006.01]
Anabolic agents (androgens A61P 5/26) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 23/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 23/00A61P 23/00Anästhetika [7, 2006.01]Anaesthetics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 23/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 23/02A61P 23/02
Lokalanästhetika [7, 2006.01]
Local anaesthetics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/00A61P 25/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen des Nervensystems [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the nervous system [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/02A61P 25/02
gegen periphere Neuropathien [7, 2006.01]
for peripheral neuropathies [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/04A61P 25/04
zentral wirkende Analgetika, z.B. Opioide [7, 2006.01]
Centrally acting analgesics, e.g. opioids [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/06A61P 25/06
Migränemittel [7, 2006.01]
Antimigraine agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/08A61P 25/08
Antiepileptika; Anticonvulsiva [7, 2006.01]
Antiepileptics; Anticonvulsants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/10A61P 25/10
. . gegen Petit mal [Absencen] [7, 2006.01]
. . for petit-mal [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/12A61P 25/12
. . gegen Grand mal [tonisch-klonische Anfälle] [7, 2006.01]
. . for grand-mal [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/14A61P 25/14
zur Behandlung anormaler Bewegungen, z.B. Chorea, Dyskinesie [7, 2006.01]
for treating abnormal movements, e.g. chorea, dyskinesia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/16A61P 25/16
. . Parkinsonmittel [7, 2006.01]
. . Anti-Parkinson drugs [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/18A61P 25/18
Antipsychotika, d.h. Neuroleptika; Mittel gegen Manie oder Schizophrenie [7, 2006.01]
Antipsychotics, i.e. neuroleptics; Drugs for mania or schizophrenia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/20Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/20A61P 25/20
Hypnotika; Sedativa [7, 2006.01]
Hypnotics; Sedatives [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/22Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/22A61P 25/22
Anxiolytika [7, 2006.01]
Anxiolytics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/24Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/24A61P 25/24
Antidepressiva [7, 2006.01]
Antidepressants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/26Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/26A61P 25/26
Psychostimulantien, z.B. Nikotin, Kokain [7, 2006.01]
Psychostimulants, e.g. nicotine, cocaine [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/28Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/28A61P 25/28
zur Behandlung neurodegenerativer Störungen des Zentralnervensystems, z.B. Nootropika, Mittel zur Aktivierung der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit, Arzneimittel zur Behandlung der Alzheimer'schen Krankheit oder anderer Formen von Demenz [7, 2006.01]
for treating neurodegenerative disorders of the central nervous system, e.g. nootropic agents, cognition enhancers, drugs for treating Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/30Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/30A61P 25/30
zur Behandlung von Drogen-Missbrauch oder Drogenabhängigkeit [7, 2006.01]
for treating abuse or dependence [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/32Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/32A61P 25/32
. . Alkohol-Missbrauch [7, 2006.01]
. . Alcohol-abuse [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/34Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/34A61P 25/34
. . Tabak-Missbrauch [7, 2006.01]
. . Tobacco-abuse [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 25/36Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 25/36A61P 25/36
. . Opioid-Missbrauch [7, 2006.01]
. . Opioid-abuse [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/00A61P 27/00Arzneimittel gegen Störungen der Sinne [7, 2006.01]Drugs for disorders of the senses [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/02A61P 27/02
Ophthalmika [7, 2006.01]
Ophthalmic agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/04A61P 27/04
. . künstliche Tränen; Spülflüssigkeiten [7, 2006.01]
. . Artificial tears; Irrigation solutions [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/06A61P 27/06
. . Glaukommittel oder Miotika [7, 2006.01]
. . Antiglaucoma agents or miotics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/08A61P 27/08
. . Mydriatika oder Zykloplegika [7, 2006.01]
. . Mydriatics or cycloplegics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/10A61P 27/10
. . gegen Akkommodationsstörungen, z.B. Myopie [7, 2006.01]
. . for accommodation disorders, e.g. myopia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/12A61P 27/12
. . gegen Katarakt [7, 2006.01]
. . for cataracts [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/14A61P 27/14
. . Abschwellende Mittel oder Antiallergika [7, 2006.01]
. . Decongestants or antiallergics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 27/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 27/16A61P 27/16
Otologika [7, 2006.01]
Otologicals [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 29/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 29/00A61P 29/00Peripher wirkende Analgetika, Antipyretika oder Antiphlogistika, z.B. Antirheumatika; Nichtsteroidale entzündungshemmende Arzneimittel [Non-steriodal antiinflammatory drugs = NSAID] [7, 2006.01]Non-central analgesic, antipyretic or antiinflammatory agents, e.g. antirheumatic agents; Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAID] [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 29/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 29/02A61P 29/02
ohne entzündungshemmende Wirkung [7, 2006.01]
without antiinflammatory effect [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/00A61P 31/00Antiinfektiöse Mittel, z.B. Antibiotika, Antiseptika, Chemotherapeutika [7, 2006.01]Antiinfectives, i.e. antibiotics, antiseptics, chemotherapeutics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/02A61P 31/02
Lokale Antiseptika [7, 2006.01]
Local antiseptics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/04A61P 31/04
Antibakterielle Mittel [7, 2006.01]
Antibacterial agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/06A61P 31/06
. . gegen Tuberkulose [7, 2006.01]
. . for tuberculosis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/08A61P 31/08
. . gegen Lepra [7, 2006.01]
. . for leprosy [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/10A61P 31/10
Antimykotika [7, 2006.01]
Antimycotics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/12A61P 31/12
Antivirusmittel [7, 2006.01]
Antivirals [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/14A61P 31/14
. . gegen RNA-Viren [7, 2006.01]
. . for RNA viruses [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/16Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/16A61P 31/16
. . . gegen Influenza- oder Rhinoviren [7, 2006.01]
. . . for influenza or rhinoviruses [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/18Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/18A61P 31/18
. . . gegen HIV [7, 2006.01]
. . . for HIV [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/20Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/20A61P 31/20
. . gegen DNA-Viren [7, 2006.01]
. . for DNA viruses [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 31/22Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 31/22A61P 31/22
. . . gegen Herpes-Viren [7, 2006.01]
. . . for herpes viruses [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/00A61P 33/00Antiparasitika [7, 2006.01]Antiparasitic agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/02A61P 33/02
Antiprotozoenmittel, z.B. gegen Leishmaniosen, Trichomoniasis, Toxoplasmose [7, 2006.01]
Antiprotozoals, e.g. for leishmaniasis, trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/04A61P 33/04
. . Antiamöbika [7, 2006.01]
. . Amoebicides [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/06A61P 33/06
. . Antimalariamittel [7, 2006.01]
. . Antimalarials [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/08A61P 33/08
. . gegen Pneumocystis carnii [7, 2006.01]
. . for Pneumocystis carinii [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/10Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/10A61P 33/10
Anthelmintika [7, 2006.01]
Anthelmintics [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/12Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/12A61P 33/12
. . Schistosomentötende Mittel [7, 2006.01]
. . Schistosomicides [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 33/14Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 33/14A61P 33/14
Ektoparasitentötende Mittel, z.B. Antiskabika [7, 2006.01]
Ectoparasiticides, e.g. scabicides [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 35/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 35/00A61P 35/00Antineoplastische Mittel [7, 2006.01]Antineoplastic agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 35/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 35/02A61P 35/02
spezifisch gegen Leukämie [7, 2006.01]
specific for leukemia [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 35/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 35/04A61P 35/04
spezifisch gegen Metastasen [7, 2006.01]
specific for metastasis [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 37/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 37/00A61P 37/00Arzneimittel gegen immunologische oder allergische Störungen [7, 2006.01]Drugs for immunological or allergic disorders [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 37/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 37/02A61P 37/02
Immunmodulatoren [7, 2006.01]
Immunomodulators [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 37/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 37/04A61P 37/04
. . Immunstimulantien [7, 2006.01]
. . Immunostimulants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 37/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 37/06A61P 37/06
. . Immunsupressiva, z.B. Arzneimittel gegen Transplantatabstoßung [7, 2006.01]
. . Immunosuppressants, e.g. drugs for graft rejection [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 37/08Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 37/08A61P 37/08
Antiallergika (Antiasthmatika A61P 11/06Antiallergika in der Ophthalmologie A61P 27/14) [7, 2006.01]
Antiallergic agents (antiasthmatic agents A61P 11/06ophthalmic antiallergics A61P 27/14) [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 39/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 39/00A61P 39/00Allgemein schützende oder schädlichen Einflüssen entgegenwirkende Mittel [7, 2006.01]General protective or antinoxious agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 39/02Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 39/02A61P 39/02
Antidota [7, 2006.01]
Antidotes [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 39/04Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 39/04A61P 39/04
Chelatbildner [7, 2006.01]
Chelating agents [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 39/06Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 39/06A61P 39/06
Radikalfänger oder Antioxidantien [7, 2006.01]
Free radical scavengers or antioxidants [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 41/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 41/00A61P 41/00Arzneimittel, die in der Chirurgie eingesetzt werden, z.B. Adjuvantien für die Chirurgie, die das Verkleben verhindern, oder zur Substitution des Glaskörpers [7, 2006.01]Drugs used in surgical methods, e.g. surgery adjuvants for preventing adhesion or for vitreum substitution [7, 2006.01]
enable hierarchy mode: A61P 43/00Link to Depatisnet beginner's search with IPC symbol: A61P 43/00A61P 43/00Arzneimittel für spezifische Zwecke, die nicht in den Gruppen A61P 1/00-A61P 41/00 vorgesehen sind [7, 2006.01]Drugs for specific purposes, not provided for in groups A61P 1/00-A61P 41/00 [7, 2006.01]