G06V 10/762


Diese Klassifikationsstelle umfasst:

(Für diese Definition ist die deutsche Übersetzung noch nicht abgeschlossen)

Techniques of grouping patterns together in order to reveal a certain structure or a meaning in images or video.

Notes – technical background

These notes provide more information about the technical subject matter that is classified in this place:

The object of techniques classified here is to identify groups of similar entities and to assign entities to a group (cluster) according to a measure of their similarity. Separability is determined by measuring the similarity or dissimilarity. Such techniques are usually performed in a high-dimensional feature space constructed by extracting features from the image or video, but can also be performed in the original domain, e.g. in the image domain in the case of image segmentation.

Regarding the grouping of patterns, any pattern may belong exclusively to a single cluster (hard clustering) or it may belong simultaneously to more than one cluster up to a certain degree (fuzzy clustering) according to a similarity (or proximity) measure. In addition, depending on the clustering method used, proximity may be defined (a) between vectors, (b) between a vector and a set of vectors (or a cluster), and (c) between sets of vectors (or different clusters).

Examples of proximity measures are: dissimilarity measures (based on l1, l2, and lnorms), similarity measures (inner product, cosine, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Tanimoto distance, etc.).

Clustering algorithms include:

a) clustering based on statistical measures (which mainly employ numerical data) which adopt a cost function J related to possible groupings which is subject to a global or local optimisation criterion, and return a clustering that optimises J. Examples of such algorithms are:

b) Graph-based clustering algorithms, e.g. minimum spanning tree (MST) clustering, clustering based on directed trees, spectral clustering, graph-cut optimisation;

c) Competitive learning algorithms for clustering, in which a set of representatives is selected and the goal is to move all representatives to regions of a vector space that are “dense” in terms of other vectors. Examples are leaky learning algorithms, self-organising maps (SOM), learning vector quantisation (LVQ).

Hierarchical clustering is a popular technique in the class of graph-based clustering, with its agglomerative or divisive variants. Various criteria can be used for determining the groupings, such as those based on matrix theory involving dissimilarity matrices. Algorithms included in this scheme are:




Clustering face images to detect affinity between persons using a graph-based clustering algorithm


Informative Querverweise

Pattern recognition or machine learning, using classification
G06V 10/764
Pattern recognition or machine learning, using regression
G06V 10/766
Pattern recognition or machine learning, processing image features in feature spaces
G06V 10/77
Pattern recognition or machine learning, fusion
G06V 10/80
Information retrieval of still images; Clustering; Classification
G06F 16/55
Information retrieval of video data; Clustering; Classification
G06F 16/75
Image analysis; Segmentation; Edge detection
G06T 7/10



adaptive fuzzy clustering

alternating cluster Estimation (ACE)
alternating cluster Estimation

when a partitioning with a specific shape is to be obtained, the user can define membership functions U(V,X) and prototype functions V(U,X). The clustering will be estimated as follows:



alternative optimisation


compatible cluster merging

clustering by graph partitioning

a weighted graph is partitioned into disjoint subgraphs by removing a set of edges (cut). The basic objective function is to minimise the size of the cut, which is calculated as the sum of the weights of all edges belonging to the cut.

compatible cluster merging (CCM)
compatible cluster merging

starts with a sufficiently large number of clusters, and successively reduces the number by merging similar (compatible) clusters with respect to some criteria such as:




the set of eigenvectors of the ith cluster.


density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise, a non-parametric clustering algorithm which does not require specifying the number of clusters in advance.



FCQS (Fuzzy C-quadric shells)
Fuzzy C-quadric shells

in case of quadric shaped clusters, FCQS can be employed for recovering them. For the estimation of the clusters the following cost function is minimised:



fuzzy C-spherical shells


fuzzy C-varieties


fuzzy hyper volume

fuzzy c-means clustering

● Choose a number of clusters.

● Assign randomly to each point coefficients for being in the clusters using the formula.


● Repeat until the algorithm has converged:

  • Compute the centroid for each cluster, using the formula;


  • For each point, compute its coefficients of being in the clusters.
Gustafson-Kessel (GK)

the GK algorithm associates each cluster with the cluster centre and its covariance. The main feature of GK clustering is the local adaptation of distance matrix in order to identify ellipsoidal clusters. The objective function of GK is:





hard c-Means

K-means clustering



K-nearest neighbour; a classification algorithm which, for a given data sample, chooses the k most similar samples from a training set, retrieves their respective class labels, and assigns a class label to the data sample by majority decision; variant: 1NN, which is KNN for k=1.


learning vector quantisation

partitioning around medoids (PAM) – the most common realisation of k-medoid type algorithms
partitioning around medoids

1. Initialise: randomly select k of the n data points as the medoids.

2. Associate each data point to the closest medoid. ("closest" here usually in a Euclidean/Manhattan distance sense).

3. For each medoid m.

- For each non-medoid data point x.

  • Swap m and x and compute the total cost of the configuration.

4. Select the configuration with the lowest cost.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until there is no change in the medoid.

G06V 10/762

Definition Statement

This place covers:

Techniques of grouping patterns together in order to reveal a certain structure or a meaning in images or video.

Notes – technical background

These notes provide more information about the technical subject matter that is classified in this place:

The object of techniques classified here is to identify groups of similar entities and to assign entities to a group (cluster) according to a measure of their similarity. Separability is determined by measuring the similarity or dissimilarity. Such techniques are usually performed in a high-dimensional feature space constructed by extracting features from the image or video, but can also be performed in the original domain, e.g. in the image domain in the case of image segmentation.

Regarding the grouping of patterns, any pattern may belong exclusively to a single cluster (hard clustering) or it may belong simultaneously to more than one cluster up to a certain degree (fuzzy clustering) according to a similarity (or proximity) measure. In addition, depending on the clustering method used, proximity may be defined (a) between vectors, (b) between a vector and a set of vectors (or a cluster), and (c) between sets of vectors (or different clusters).

Examples of proximity measures are: dissimilarity measures (based on l1, l2, and lnorms), similarity measures (inner product, cosine, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Tanimoto distance, etc.).

Clustering algorithms include:

a) clustering based on statistical measures (which mainly employ numerical data) which adopt a cost function J related to possible groupings which is subject to a global or local optimisation criterion, and return a clustering that optimises J. Examples of such algorithms are:

b) Graph-based clustering algorithms, e.g. minimum spanning tree (MST) clustering, clustering based on directed trees, spectral clustering, graph-cut optimisation;

c) Competitive learning algorithms for clustering, in which a set of representatives is selected and the goal is to move all representatives to regions of a vector space that are “dense” in terms of other vectors. Examples are leaky learning algorithms, self-organising maps (SOM), learning vector quantisation (LVQ).

Hierarchical clustering is a popular technique in the class of graph-based clustering, with its agglomerative or divisive variants. Various criteria can be used for determining the groupings, such as those based on matrix theory involving dissimilarity matrices. Algorithms included in this scheme are:




Clustering face images to detect affinity between persons using a graph-based clustering algorithm


Informative references

Pattern recognition or machine learning, using classification
G06V 10/764
Pattern recognition or machine learning, using regression
G06V 10/766
Pattern recognition or machine learning, processing image features in feature spaces
G06V 10/77
Pattern recognition or machine learning, fusion
G06V 10/80
Information retrieval of still images; Clustering; Classification
G06F 16/55
Information retrieval of video data; Clustering; Classification
G06F 16/75
Image analysis; Segmentation; Edge detection
G06T 7/10



adaptive fuzzy clustering

alternating cluster Estimation (ACE)
alternating cluster Estimation

when a partitioning with a specific shape is to be obtained, the user can define membership functions U(V,X) and prototype functions V(U,X). The clustering will be estimated as follows:



alternative optimisation


compatible cluster merging

clustering by graph partitioning

a weighted graph is partitioned into disjoint subgraphs by removing a set of edges (cut). The basic objective function is to minimise the size of the cut, which is calculated as the sum of the weights of all edges belonging to the cut.

compatible cluster merging (CCM)
compatible cluster merging

starts with a sufficiently large number of clusters, and successively reduces the number by merging similar (compatible) clusters with respect to some criteria such as:




the set of eigenvectors of the ith cluster.


density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise, a non-parametric clustering algorithm which does not require specifying the number of clusters in advance.



FCQS (Fuzzy C-quadric shells)
Fuzzy C-quadric shells

in case of quadric shaped clusters, FCQS can be employed for recovering them. For the estimation of the clusters the following cost function is minimised:



fuzzy C-spherical shells


fuzzy C-varieties


fuzzy hyper volume

fuzzy c-means clustering

● Choose a number of clusters.

● Assign randomly to each point coefficients for being in the clusters using the formula.


● Repeat until the algorithm has converged:

  • Compute the centroid for each cluster, using the formula;


  • For each point, compute its coefficients of being in the clusters.
Gustafson-Kessel (GK)

the GK algorithm associates each cluster with the cluster centre and its covariance. The main feature of GK clustering is the local adaptation of distance matrix in order to identify ellipsoidal clusters. The objective function of GK is:





hard c-Means

K-means clustering



K-nearest neighbour; a classification algorithm which, for a given data sample, chooses the k most similar samples from a training set, retrieves their respective class labels, and assigns a class label to the data sample by majority decision; variant: 1NN, which is KNN for k=1.


learning vector quantisation

partitioning around medoids (PAM) – the most common realisation of k-medoid type algorithms
partitioning around medoids

1. Initialise: randomly select k of the n data points as the medoids.

2. Associate each data point to the closest medoid. ("closest" here usually in a Euclidean/Manhattan distance sense).

3. For each medoid m.

- For each non-medoid data point x.

  • Swap m and x and compute the total cost of the configuration.

4. Select the configuration with the lowest cost.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until there is no change in the medoid.