G06V 10/62


Diese Klassifikationsstelle umfasst:

(Für diese Definition ist die deutsche Übersetzung noch nicht abgeschlossen)

Techniques involving time-related feature extraction and pattern tracking for image or video recognition or understanding. Such techniques include:

Notes – technical background

These notes provide more information about the technical subject matter that is classified in this place:

1. Tracking may be implemented using a single camera or a system with multiple cameras, with possibly overlapping field of views (FOV).

2. In time-related feature extraction and pattern tracking, the features extracted from the video can be low-level (e.g. pixel colours, gradient, motion cues), mid-level (e.g. edges, corners, interest points, regions, etc.) or high-level (e.g. geometrical arrangements of parts of an object). The tracking often involves the foreground-background segmentation or background modelling in order to focus only on the objects of interest and reduce the overall complexity. Target representations are models of the objects of interest which rely on visual cues such as shape, texture, colour. There are rigid models (e.g. regions or volumes of interest), articulated models (e.g. kinematic chains) or deformable models (e.g. fluid models, point-distributions, appearance models).

An inherent problem during tracking is that of localisation, which is usually solved:

Models employed during tracking include graphical models (e.g. Markov models), graph-matching based tracking, camera-link model (CLM) or statistical models such as maximum a-posteriori estimation (MAP).

Problems frequently occurring are that of context modelling (e.g. changes in background, clutter, duration of the tracking events), or in the case of a multiple camera system, that of re-identification, i.e. detection of the same object in the field of view of these cameras.

Neural networks have been more recently applied to the problem of tracking, examples of architectures include: generic object tracking using regression networks (GOTURN), multi-domain network (MDNet), long short term memory (LSTM) networks, recurrent you only look once (ROLO) networks.



Tracking, person re-identification in a multiple camera system


Informative Querverweise

Image preprocessing for image or video recognition or understanding involving the determination of a region or volume of interest [ROI, VOI]
G06V 10/25
Global feature extraction by analysis of the whole pattern
G06V 10/42
Descriptors for shape, contour or point-related descriptors, e.g. SIFT
G06V 10/46
Local feature extraction by performing operations within image blocks or by using histograms
G06V 10/50
Feature extraction related to texture
G06V 10/54
Feature extraction related to colour
G06V 10/56
Pattern recognition or machine learning for image or video recognition or understanding using probabilistic graphical models
G06V 10/84
Analysis of motion in images
G06T 7/20



camera link model


field of view


graph matching


Kalman filter


kernel tracking


maximum a-posteriori estimation


multiple hypothesis tracking


particle filtering

G06V 10/62

Definition Statement

This place covers:

Techniques involving time-related feature extraction and pattern tracking for image or video recognition or understanding. Such techniques include:

Notes – technical background

These notes provide more information about the technical subject matter that is classified in this place:

1. Tracking may be implemented using a single camera or a system with multiple cameras, with possibly overlapping field of views (FOV).

2. In time-related feature extraction and pattern tracking, the features extracted from the video can be low-level (e.g. pixel colours, gradient, motion cues), mid-level (e.g. edges, corners, interest points, regions, etc.) or high-level (e.g. geometrical arrangements of parts of an object). The tracking often involves the foreground-background segmentation or background modelling in order to focus only on the objects of interest and reduce the overall complexity. Target representations are models of the objects of interest which rely on visual cues such as shape, texture, colour. There are rigid models (e.g. regions or volumes of interest), articulated models (e.g. kinematic chains) or deformable models (e.g. fluid models, point-distributions, appearance models).

An inherent problem during tracking is that of localisation, which is usually solved:

Models employed during tracking include graphical models (e.g. Markov models), graph-matching based tracking, camera-link model (CLM) or statistical models such as maximum a-posteriori estimation (MAP).

Problems frequently occurring are that of context modelling (e.g. changes in background, clutter, duration of the tracking events), or in the case of a multiple camera system, that of re-identification, i.e. detection of the same object in the field of view of these cameras.

Neural networks have been more recently applied to the problem of tracking, examples of architectures include: generic object tracking using regression networks (GOTURN), multi-domain network (MDNet), long short term memory (LSTM) networks, recurrent you only look once (ROLO) networks.



Tracking, person re-identification in a multiple camera system


Informative references

Image preprocessing for image or video recognition or understanding involving the determination of a region or volume of interest [ROI, VOI]
G06V 10/25
Global feature extraction by analysis of the whole pattern
G06V 10/42
Descriptors for shape, contour or point-related descriptors, e.g. SIFT
G06V 10/46
Local feature extraction by performing operations within image blocks or by using histograms
G06V 10/50
Feature extraction related to texture
G06V 10/54
Feature extraction related to colour
G06V 10/56
Pattern recognition or machine learning for image or video recognition or understanding using probabilistic graphical models
G06V 10/84
Analysis of motion in images
G06T 7/20



camera link model


field of view


graph matching


Kalman filter


kernel tracking


maximum a-posteriori estimation


multiple hypothesis tracking


particle filtering