DEPATISnet - database for online searches on patent publications from around the world
DEPATISnet is the database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for online searches on patent publications from around the world. It includes the internal DEPATIS electronic document archive of the office (German patent information system). For detailed information on the available data click here.
Choose a search mode:
- Basic
Select the Basic mode if you are a newcomer or have little searching experience. It has an easy-to-use intuitive search interface. - Advanced
The Advanced search allows you to search in different search fields and to combine the selected fields according to your needs. - Expert
The Expert mode is recommended for users experienced in patent searches. This mode allows to create more complex search queries. - Ikofax
The IKOFAX mode is suitable for users proficient in the fields of IKOFAX syntax and the DEPATIS database system.
New function in the history (29.05.2024)
You can now delete search requests that you do not wish to save in the history. There is a recycle bin icon to the right of the saved search requests.
Sorting the IPC classes of the result list (01.11.2023)
An ICP ranking can be called up in the action menu in the result list. The number of occurrences of the IPC symbol in IPC main classes and IPC secondary/index classes in the current result list is sorted in descending order and can be downloaded in CSV format.
International Patent Classification (IPC) as the basis of a prior art search.
You can use IPC symbols for your patent or utility model document search. The IPC search does not provide patent documents per se. If you have found a useful classification place in the IPC you can transfer this symbol by a single click on the magnifying glass icon directly into a search query in DEPATISnet. The search will open in a new window with the IPC symbol in "All IPC fields".
For background information on the IPC click here.

For questions on databases and search techniques
- E-Mail:
- Phone: +49-89 2195 3435
Expert information on IP rights is available from the enquiry service
- E-Mail:
- Phone: +49-89 2195 1000
- Website of the German Patent and Trademark Office:
Tips on searching
- Quick reference guide
- For guidance on how to search in DEPATISnet, please refer to the brochure "
Prior Art Search on the Internet"