
You can now delete search requests that you do not wish to save in the history. There is a recycle bin icon to the right of the saved search requests.

An ICP ranking can be called up in the action menu in the result list. The number of occurrences of the IPC symbol in IPC main classes and IPC secondary/index classes in the current result list is sorted in descending order and can be downloaded in CSV format.

The searchable text of Japanese, Chinese and Korean publications is now available as an English translation.

For German patents / utility models, DEPATISnet now offers the option of displaying the patent claims / protection claims in a tree structure.
You can access the claim tree from an action menu in the bibliographic data.

DEPATISnet will have a new look from 14 June.
In addition to the usual drop-down lists for the search, the IPC and the service, there is a context help for the available input fields in the Basic and Advanced search.
Using the result list configuration, you can now choose whether you want your results to be displayed as a matrix or as usual in table format.
Moreover, the pages have been streamlined. You will no longer find the usual buttons in the result list, the display of bibliographic data and the document display, but action menus for making your selection.

As of now, DEPATISnet provides a "Smart search" function. The corresponding search field is located at the top right of the screen.
Smart search is an easy way to conduct searches for patents and utility models. You can enter publication numbers, names of owners and inventors as well as search terms in the search field.
More information on the "Smart search" is available in the PDF-Datei Help pages.

The result list configuration now has a new checkbox.
Tick the checkbox "First drawing" to have the main drawing of a document displayed in the generated result list.

A three-page quick reference guide to the Basic and Advanced search modes is now available on the DEPATISnet homepage.

Previously, search queries in the Expert and Ikofax search modes were only saved for the current session under the item "History". As of the beginning of June, search queries will be saved permanently. The number of search queries that will be saved is limited to 100. If the number exceeds 100, the oldest queries will be deleted automatically.

This additional search option offers more fields to select from than the "Basic search", but is not as complex as the "Expert search" and offers many options for customising the search form.
First select "Search" on the DEPATISnet homepage and then click on "Advanced". A single-line input field appears with a drop-down list for selecting the field name (e.g. Inventor, Application date, etc.).
Click the + button to add further input fields.
Individual search fields can be linked by the Boolean operators "AND", "OR" and "NOT".
Furthermore, there is a function to bracket search terms. More information on the new search mode is available on the Help pages (currently not in English).

If you do not make any entry for some time during a session, a warning will pop up. This warning is displayed for two minutes and allows you to end or extend the session.

Now you can view existing INPADOC data in the database. To display the data, click the publication number in question to open the bibliographic data. At the end of that page you will find the button "INPADOC". Further information on these data will then be provided to you via a link to the website of the European Patent Office.

Full text search in US documents
Now, full text search is also possible for US documents, just like for DE, EP and WO documents.

DEPATISnet help pages
New help pages in a user-friendly format (pdf document) are now available for DEPATISnet.

In the Expert and Ikofax modes of DEPATISnet, search queries made during a session will be stored and can be retrieved during that session. You can insert or replace search queries using the "History" field at the end of the search form.

An additional column (CPC) has been introduced in the result list configuration. This allows to display the notations of the Cooperative Patent Classification found in the search.

The DEPATISnet database for searching patent publications from all over the world has been redesigned to match the overall look of the home page.
Some new features have also been included:

So far, the result list display has been limited to 1,000 results when searching in DEPATISnet. Owing to the growth of the DEPATIS archive, the number of results is now often higher. Therefore, you can now view up to 10,000 results when searching for patents and utility models.
In this context, please note that the download of PDF documents is limited to 100.