Register data obtained from INPADOC (EPO)

Document DE000001186765B

The DPMA does not warrant the completeness, accuracy as regards contents and availability of the data provided. The DPMA also cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness of such data or for their suitability for specific purposes. For further information, please contact the respective patent offices.

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publication reference:
country: DE
doc-number: 1186765
kind: B#
family member (1):
Family ID : 7580996
publication reference:
country: DE
doc-number: 1186765
kind: B
date: 19650204
doc-number: DE1186765
date: 19650204
application reference:
Doc ID : 12840127
Is representative : YES
country: DE
doc-number: V0024150
kind: A
date: 19630607
priority claim:
country: DE
doc-number: V0024150
kind: A
date: 19630607
priority-active-indicator : YES