
Bibliografische Daten

Dokument GB000191021412A (Seiten: 4)

Bibliografische Daten Dokument GB000191021412A (Seiten: 4)
INID Kriterium Feld Inhalt
54 Titel TI [EN] Improvements in or relating to Transfer Mechanism for Calculating Machines.
71/73 Anmelder/Inhaber PA KLEIN & SEITTER GES MIT BESCHR, DE
72 Erfinder IN
22/96 Anmeldedatum AD 14.09.1910
21 Anmeldenummer AN
Anmeldeland AC GB
Veröffentlichungsdatum PUB 19.01.1911
Priorität PRC

51 IPC-Hauptklasse ICM
51 IPC-Nebenklasse ICS
IPC-Zusatzklasse ICA
IPC-Indexklasse ICI
Gemeinsame Patentklassifikation CPC
MCD-Hauptklasse MCM
MCD-Nebenklasse MCS
MCD-Zusatzklasse MCA
57 Zusammenfassung AB [EN] 21,412. Klein & Seitter. Sept. 22, 1909, [Convention date]. Transfer mechanism.-Relates to calculating- machines of the class in which rack-bars are first set and are then restored to normal position while engaged with the pinions of the numeral disks, and more particularly to transfer mechanism therefor of the type that allows the rack-bars to move an additional extent upon restoration in order to effect a transfer. Transfer is effected by a pin on a lever 3 entering a notch in the disk 1 between the numerals 9, 0, thus causing the hook on a bell-crank lever 6 to move out of the path of a pin 7 on the rack-bar; a lateral movement of the bar 10 then allows the rack-bar to move beyond its normal position. In the known type of mechanism, the rack-bars 8 are controlled by a spring 13 secured to a fixed point 14, and the levers 6 are engaged by springs 13<a>. These springs are replaced in the present instance by a single spring 13 attached at one end to the rack-bar, and at the other end to a rocking arm 16 which has pivoted to it a link 17 secured at its other end to the lever 6.
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56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
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