
Bibliografische Daten

Dokument GB000000703733A (Seiten: 5)

Bibliografische Daten Dokument GB000000703733A (Seiten: 5)
INID Kriterium Feld Inhalt
54 Titel TI [EN] Improvements in or relating to electronic musical instruments
71/73 Anmelder/Inhaber PA GEORGES JENNY
72 Erfinder IN
22/96 Anmeldedatum AD 29.11.1951
21 Anmeldenummer AN 2806651
Anmeldeland AC GB
Veröffentlichungsdatum PUB 10.02.1954
Priorität PRC

51 IPC-Hauptklasse ICM
51 IPC-Nebenklasse ICS
IPC-Zusatzklasse ICA
IPC-Indexklasse ICI
Gemeinsame Patentklassifikation CPC G10H 5/005
MCD-Hauptklasse MCM
MCD-Nebenklasse MCS G10H 5/00 (2006.01)
MCD-Zusatzklasse MCA
57 Zusammenfassung AB [EN] 703,733. Electrophonic musical instruments. JENNY, G. Nov. 29, 1951, No. 28066/51. Drawings to Specification. Class 88 (2). To increase the realism of an imitation of wind or stringed instruments by an electro- .phonic instrument, blowing, bowing, or plucking effects may be added to the output. This is achieved by means of some form of transducer, such as a piezo-electric crystal which is blown upon by the player or by the bellows of an accordion or is secured to a rod or string or the like which is bowed or plucked by the player. The resulting current is used to control the volume of the sound produced by the instrument.
56 Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente/Zitate,
in Recherche ermittelt
56 Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente/Zitate,
vom Anmelder genannt
56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
in Recherche ermittelt
56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
vom Anmelder genannt
Zitierende Dokumente Dokumente ermitteln
Prüfstoff-IPC ICP G10H 1/057