
Bibliografische Daten

Dokument GB000000223471A (Seiten: 4)

Bibliografische Daten Dokument GB000000223471A (Seiten: 4)
INID Kriterium Feld Inhalt
54 Titel TI [EN] Improvements relating to musical keyboard stringed instruments
71/73 Anmelder/Inhaber PA KARL MAENDLER
72 Erfinder IN
22/96 Anmeldedatum AD 14.02.1924
21 Anmeldenummer AN 388124
Anmeldeland AC GB
Veröffentlichungsdatum PUB 23.10.1924
Priorität PRC

51 IPC-Hauptklasse ICM
51 IPC-Nebenklasse ICS
IPC-Zusatzklasse ICA
IPC-Indexklasse ICI
Gemeinsame Patentklassifikation CPC G10C 1/06
MCD-Hauptklasse MCM
MCD-Nebenklasse MCS G10C 1/06 (2006.01)
MCD-Zusatzklasse MCA
57 Zusammenfassung AB [EN] 223,471. Maendler, K. Feb. 14, 1924. Keyboard stringed instruments; plectra.-In a keyboard instrument in which each string is plucked by a plectrum pivoted on a pusher rod stand. ing over the end of a key, the pusher rod is also given a lateral movement the amount of which varies with the force with which the key is depressed, yielding modulated tones. A string q is plucked by a plectrum p carried by a member l pivoted at m in a slot in the pusher rod c which rod is guided in apertures in transverse bars f, g and rests on the inner end of the key a, being controlled by springs h, i. A wedge, eccentric ball, or the like b either on the inner end of the key or on the lower end of the pusher-rod transmits, on depression of the key, a lateral thrust to the pusher-rod which in rising also pivots in the aperture in the bar g. A bevelled abutment k and an adjustable abutment r are provided in the slot for the plectrum-carrier l, which is returned to its central position by springs n, o.
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56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
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Prüfstoff-IPC ICP G10C 1/06