Bibliografische Daten

Dokument DE000010102979C2 (Seiten: 8)

Bibliografische Daten Dokument DE000010102979C2 (Seiten: 8)
INID Kriterium Feld Inhalt
54 Titel TI [DE] Verfahren zur Absicherung von Rechnern mit Anschluss an ein Netzwerk zum Zweck der Kontrolle von Netzwerkverbindungen
71/73 Anmelder/Inhaber PA Valentin, Torsten, 59199 Bönen, DE
72 Erfinder IN Valentin, Torsten, 59199 Bönen, DE
22/96 Anmeldedatum AD 23.01.2001
21 Anmeldenummer AN 10102979
Anmeldeland AC DE
Veröffentlichungsdatum PUB 30.04.2003
Priorität PRC
51 IPC-Hauptklasse ICM H04L 9/32
51 IPC-Nebenklasse ICS
IPC-Zusatzklasse ICA
IPC-Indexklasse ICI
Gemeinsame Patentklassifikation CPC H04L 63/101
H04L 63/12
H04L 63/145
MCD-Hauptklasse MCM
MCD-Nebenklasse MCS H04L 29/06 (2006.01)
MCD-Zusatzklasse MCA
57 Zusammenfassung AB [EN] Computers in a computer network are often separated from public networks by firewalls. In the firewall, rules allowing specific communications are implemented. A virus or Trojan horse can disguise itself as a permitted application and use the rules of the firewall to transmit data obtained by its espionage. To prevent the potential transmission of data obtained by the espionage of viruses and Trojan horses, all clients who make requests to a network are identified by the operating system of the computer. Electronic fingerprints of all parts of the programme that are involved in the process are created and then verified in a server. The server determines the authenticity of the checksum and verifies if the client is authorised. This is then transmitted back to the operating system of the computer, which then refuses the client's request, transmits said request to the connected network or transmits the request to the server, the latter in turn making the request to the network. The invention can be used for increasing the security of computer networks.
56 Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente/Zitate,
in Recherche ermittelt
CT DE000010008973A1
56 Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente/Zitate,
vom Anmelder genannt
56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
in Recherche ermittelt
CTNP DEVANBU, P. u.a.: Techniques for trusted soft- ware engineering. In: Software Engineering. IEEE Cat.Nr. 98CB36139, 1998, S. 126-135 p 0
56 Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate,
vom Anmelder genannt
Zitierende Dokumente Dokumente ermitteln
Prüfstoff-IPC ICP H04L 9/32