Bibliographic data

Document DE000003509811A1 (Pages: 6)

Bibliographic data Document DE000003509811A1 (Pages: 6)
INID Criterion Field Contents
54 Title TI [DE] Geschützter Abgas- Katalysator für Verbrennungsanlagen
[EN] Protected exhaust-gas catalyst for combustion plants
71/73 Applicant/owner PA Kraeft, Uwe, Dipl.-Min., 6906 Leimen, DE
72 Inventor IN Kraeft, Uwe, Dipl.-Min., 6906 Leimen, DE
22/96 Application date AD Mar 19, 1985
21 Application number AN 3509811
Country of application AC DE
Publication date PUB Sep 25, 1986
Priority data PRC

51 IPC main class ICM B01D 53/36
51 IPC secondary class ICS
IPC additional class ICA
IPC index class ICI
Cooperative patent classification CPC B01D 53/9445
B01D 53/9495
F01N 3/2046
F01N 3/2053
Y02T 10/12
MCD main class MCM
MCD secondary class MCS B01D 53/94 (2006.01)
F01N 3/20 (2006.01)
MCD additional class MCA
57 Abstract AB [EN] In the conversion of the exhaust gases of stationary or mobile combustion plants into N2, O2, CO2 and H2O, heat can be formed which can damage the catalyst. By temperature measurement, by-pass installations, breakage points, smoke formers and coolers, the catalyst and the combustion plant are protected and/or the "driver" is warned.
56 Cited documents identified in the search CT
56 Cited documents indicated by the applicant CT
56 Cited non-patent literature identified in the search CTNP
56 Cited non-patent literature indicated by the applicant CTNP
Citing documents Determine documents
Sequence listings
Search file IPC ICP B01D 53/86 A4