
Bibliografische Daten

Dokument DE000003213333A1 (Seiten: 8)

Bibliografische Daten Dokument DE000003213333A1 (Seiten: 8)
INID Kriterium Feld Inhalt
54 Titel TI [DE] Anwendung von Allgebrauchsglühlampen und von Verfahren, deren Lebensdauer zu verlängern, bei Leuchten aller Art, die üblicherweise mit Langlebensdauerglühlampen betrieben werden
[EN] Use of general-purpose incandescent lamps and of methods to extend their life in lights of all types which are normally operated with long-life incandescent lamps
71/73 Anmelder/Inhaber PA Binninger, Dieter, 1000 Berlin, DE ; Bogen, Wolfgang
72 Erfinder IN Binninger, Dieter, 1000 Berlin, DE ; Bogen, Wolfgang
22/96 Anmeldedatum AD 07.04.1982
21 Anmeldenummer AN 3213333
Anmeldeland AC DE
Veröffentlichungsdatum PUB 23.12.1982
Priorität PRC

51 IPC-Hauptklasse ICM H05B 39/09
51 IPC-Nebenklasse ICS
IPC-Zusatzklasse ICA
IPC-Indexklasse ICI
Gemeinsame Patentklassifikation CPC H05B 39/09
MCD-Hauptklasse MCM
MCD-Nebenklasse MCS H05B 39/09 (2006.01)
MCD-Zusatzklasse MCA
57 Zusammenfassung AB [EN] Since the average life of long-life incandescent lamps (Sig lamps) is approximately 6000 hours, the use of general-purpose incandescent lamps with more than double the rated power and the use of pulse operation to extend their life to more than 100,000 hours is more expedient. Pulse operation, which is barely detectable by eye, reduces the r.m.s. incandescent lamp current by means of phases between the pulse phases in which no current flows. In consequence, far better data are obtained when operating Sig lamps with respect to the light intensity, the colour temperature and, especially, the power saving. Such pulse operation is carried out, for example, using the 50 Hz half-cycles of the AC mains, whose phases in which no current flows can still be optimised by means of a phase gating angle of approximately 90 DEG . <IMAGE>
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Prüfstoff-IPC ICP H05B 37/02