Bibliographic data

Document DE202006016323U1 (Pages: 6)

Bibliographic data Document DE202006016323U1 (Pages: 6)
INID Criterion Field Contents
54 Title TI [DE] Elektronisches Schulbuch
[EN] Electronic school book for use in e.g. home, has two flat panel displays that are arranged next to each other and are visible after opening book, and operating and control units that are integrated into flat panel displays
71/73 Applicant/owner PA Zahler, Thomas, 82418 Murnau, DE
72 Inventor IN
22/96 Application date AD Oct 25, 2006
21 Application number AN 202006016323
Country of application AC DE
Publication date PUB May 10, 2007
Priority data PRC

51 IPC main class ICM G09F 9/302 (2006.01)
51 IPC secondary class ICS G09B 5/02 (2006.01)
IPC additional class ICA
IPC index class ICI
Cooperative patent classification CPC G09B 5/02
G09F 9/30
MCD main class MCM G09F 9/302 (2006.01)
MCD secondary class MCS G09B 5/02 (2006.01)
MCD additional class MCA
57 Abstract AB [EN] The book has two flat panel displays that are arranged next to each other and that are visible after opening the book. Operating and control units are integrated into the flat panel displays. The flat panel displays are separated and are controlled by a software. The software is loaded when opening the book and is shifted to a power down mode when the book is in closed condition. The loading takes place over a universal serial bus (USB)-port directly to an Internet access or over a home personal computer with the Internet access.
56 Cited documents identified in the search CT
56 Cited documents indicated by the applicant CT
56 Cited non-patent literature identified in the search CTNP
56 Cited non-patent literature indicated by the applicant CTNP
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Sequence listings
Search file IPC ICP G09B 5/02
G09F 9/302