Bibliographic data

Document DE000019844196A1 (Pages: 4)

Bibliographic data Document DE000019844196A1 (Pages: 4)
INID Criterion Field Contents
54 Title TI [DE] Zylinderschloß/Schließanlage mit sequentieller Abtastung
[EN] Security locking cylinder by suitable key centers round profile-coded wheel or roller positive elements during key insertion right up to end setting.
71/73 Applicant/owner PA Fischer, Herwig, 41063 Mönchengladbach, DE
72 Inventor IN Fischer, Herwig, 41063 Mönchengladbach, DE
22/96 Application date AD Sep 26, 1998
21 Application number AN 19844196
Country of application AC DE
Publication date PUB Mar 30, 2000
Priority data PRC

51 IPC main class ICM E05B 35/08
51 IPC secondary class ICS
IPC additional class ICA
IPC index class ICI
Cooperative patent classification CPC E05B 15/14
E05B 27/0039
E05B 35/006
MCD main class MCM
MCD secondary class MCS E05B 15/14 (2006.01)
E05B 27/00 (2006.01)
E05B 35/00 (2006.01)
MCD additional class MCA
57 Abstract AB [DE] Ein Zylinderschloß, bei dem die Sperrung der Drehbewegung nicht bzw. nicht nur über die bekannten, angefederten Stifte erfolgt, sondern alternativ oder zusätzlich über gleitende oder rotierende Bauteile, die den Schlüssel nicht nur in der Endstellung, sondern auch während des Einsteckvorganges abtasten. Zusätzlich erlaubt dieses Abtastsystem eine von außen nach dem Einstecken des Schlüssels erkennbare Information darüber, welcher Schlüssel als letzter benutzt wurde (Zugangskontrolle).
[EN] The locked condition is set both in the end setting and during key insertion by means of sequential probing in which positive elements have to be moved continuously until they permit lock closure. The elements consist of wheels or rollers which are moved during key insertion to rotate round axes normal or parallel to the key movements, and the wheels or rollers form axially separate elements whose selection and sequence combine to form different roller profiles. At least one positive element is profile-coded specific to a particular key and thus provides information on the last key used. The information can only be retrieved by the suitable key. Key and elements are controlled by a computer program which finds the coding of the lock and initiates the drilling, turning or milling needed for key and elements.
56 Cited documents identified in the search CT
56 Cited documents indicated by the applicant CT
56 Cited non-patent literature identified in the search CTNP
56 Cited non-patent literature indicated by the applicant CTNP
Citing documents Determine documents
Sequence listings
Search file IPC ICP E05B 27/00
E05B 35/10 A
E05B 35/10