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Entgegengehaltene Nichtpatentliteratur/Zitate, vom Anmelder genannt |
A.S. Grove: "Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices" p 78-83, 1967. 1; Adrian Rusu, Contantin Bulucea: "Deep-Depletion Breakdown Voltage of Silicon-Dioxide/Silicon MOS Capacitors"v (p 201-205), IEEE 1979. 1; Akio Nakagawa, David H. Navon: "A Time- and Temperature-Dependent 2-D Simulation of the GTO Thyristor Turn-Off Process" (p 1156-1163), IEEE 1984. 1; Article "Power Semiconductors Proliferate" published in Electronics Products magazine re: Infineon CoolMOS products and IR CoolMOS- equivalent devices, Jul. 1999. 1; Article by Xing-Bi Chen presented at 2German-Chinese Electronics Week Congress, Shanghai, China, 1991. 1; Article from Acta Electronica Sinica, Mar. 1986, "A Novel InGaAs Phototransistor by CaO Emitter" (in Chinese) (p 35-39). 1; Article, "Siemens Introduces new Generation of High-Voltage MOSFET Technology", May 1998. 1; Article, "Siemens' new MOSFET design drastically cuts on-state resistance", May 1998. 1; B. Jayant Baliga, Sorab K. Ghandi: "Analytical Solutions for the Breakdown Voltage of Abrupt Cylindrical and Spherical Junction" (p 739-744), 1976. 1; B. Jayant Baliga: "Epitaxial Silicon Technology", Academic Press 1986. 1; B. Jayant Baliga: Modern Power Devices (entire text, especially excerpt p. 182-192, 338-339), Kreiger Publishing 1987. 1; B.J. Baliga, M.S. Adler, P.R. Love et al: "Insulated Gate Transistor: A New Three-Terminal MOS-Controlled Bipolar Power Device" (excerpt) (p 1394-1402), Jun. 1984. 1; Board, Kenneth: "The Optimization of On-Resistance in Vertical DMOS Power Devices with Linear and Hexagonal Surface Geometries", IEEE 1984. 1; C. Frank Wheatley Jr., Gary M. Dolny: "COMFET-The Ultimate Power Device; A General Study of Power Devices" (p 121-128), Nov. 1985. 1; Chen Xingbi, Li Zhaoji, Jiang Xu: "Two-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of High-voltage Semiconductor Electric Fields", May 1988. 1; Chen Xingbi, Li Zhaoji, Li Zhongmin:"Breakdown Voltage of Cylindrical Boundary Abrupt Junctions" (p 463-465), Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 1989. 1; Chen and Hu article, "Optimum Doping Profile of Power MOSFET Epitaxial Layer", IEEE 1982. 1; Chen article, "Optimization of the Specific On-Resistance of the CoolMOS," published by IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Jun. 2000. 1; Chen article, "Theory of a Novel Voltage Sustaining (CB) Layer for Power Devices" (from Chinese Journal of Electronics), Chinese Journal of Semiconductors Jul. 1998. 1; Chenming Hu article, "Optimum Doping Profile for Minimum Ohmic Resistance and High-Breakdwon Voltage", IEEE 1979. 1; Chenming Hu, Min-Hwa Chi, Vikram M. Patel: "Optimum Designs of Power MOSFETs" (p 1693-1700), IEEE 1984. 1; Chenming Hu: "A Parametric Study of Power MOSFETS" (p 988-998). IEEE 1979. 1; Claus Geisler, "Birth of the Cool in MOS", May 1998. 1; Daisuke Ueda, Hiromitsu Takagi, Gota Kano: An Ultra-Low On-Resistance Power MOSFET Fabricated by Using a Fully Self-Aligned Process, IEEE Apr. 1987. 1; Deboy et al. article, "A New Generation of High Voltage MOSFETs breaks the Limit Line of Silicon" published by IEEE (2nd, color copy added, 2nd set of Bates ranges correspond). 1; G. Bell, W. Ladenhauf: "SIPMOS Technology, an Example of VLSI Precision Realized with Standard LSI for Power Transistors" (p 190-194), IEEE 1980. 1; H.R. Chang, F.W. Holroyd: "High Voltage Power MOSFET's with a Trench-Gate Structure" (p 381-387), Solid State Electronics 1990. 1; H.R. Chang, R.D. Black, V.A.K. Temple, Wirojana Tantraporn, B. Jayant Baliga: IEEE Transaction, Nov. 1987; Self-Aligned UMOSFTS's with a Specific On-Resistance of 1m cm2 (pp. 2329-2334). 1; IEDM Technical Digest excerpt (p. 239, 241), 1979. 1; J.A. Appel, H.M.J. Vaes: "High Voltage Thin Layer Devices (Resurf Devices)" (p 1384-1387), IEEE 1979. 1; J.P. Stengl, H. Strack, J. Tihanyi: "Power MOS Transistors for 1000 V Blocking Voltage" (p 422-425), IEEE 1981. 1; Jerry G. Fossum, Robert J. McDonald: "Charge Control Analysis of the COMFET Turn-Off Transient" (p 1377-1382), IEEE 1986. 1; Lai, et al.; "Characteristics and Utilization of a New Class of Low on-Resistance MOS-Gated Power Device" (1999). 1; Li Zhaoji, Yu Hongquan, Chen Xingbi: "Temperture Distribution of Full Therma Path of VDMOS" (p 435-440), Chinese Journal o Semiconductors 1990. 1; Lorenz et al. article, "Drastic Reduction of On-Resistance with CoolMOS" in PCIM Europe, 1998. 1; Lorenz et al. article, "Improved MOSFET An Important Milestone Toward a New Power MOSFET Generation" featured in PCIM, 1998. 1; Min-hwa Chi, Chenming Hu: "Some Issues of Power MOSFETS" (pp. 392-393), IEEE 1982. 1; P.L. Hower, T.M.S. Heng, C. Huang: "Optimum Design of Power MOSFETS" (p 980-984), IEEE 1983. 1; R. Stengl, U. Gösele: "Variation of Lateral Doping-a New Concept to Avoid High Voltage Breakdown of Planar Junctions" (p 154-157), IEEE 1985. 1; Richard A. Blanchard: "Optimization of Discrete High Power MOS Transistors", UMI Dec. 1981. 1; Richard F. David: "Computerized Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Circuits" 27th Electronics Components Conference, May 16-18 1977 (p 324-332), 1977. 1; S.C. Sun, James D. Plummer: "Modeling of the On-Resistance of LDMOS, VDMOS, and VMOS Power Transistors" (p 356-357), IEEE 1980. 1; Sel Colak: "Effects of Drift Region Parameters n the same properties of Power LDMOST" (p 1455-1466), IEEE 1981. 1; Steve Bush, "Five-fold resistance cut for high-voltage FETs", Jul. 1998. 1; Takaeki Okabe, Isao Yoshida, Skikayuki Ochi: "A Complementary Pair of Planar-Power MOSFETS" (p 334-339), IEEE 1980. 1; Tihanyi and Krauss, SIPMOS, Elektronik 1980, pp. 61-64. 1; Tihanyi, "A Qualitative Study of the DC performance of SIPMOS Transistors", Springer Verlag 1980. 1; Victor K. Temple, Robert P. Love, Peter V. Gray: "A 600-Volt MOSFET Designed for Low On-Resistance" (p 343-349), IEEE 1980. 1; Victor K. Temple: "Ideal FET Doping Profile" (p 619-626), IEEE 1983. 1; Victor K. Temple: "Increased Avalanche Breakdown Voltage and Controlled Surface Electric Fields Using a Junction Termination Extension (JTE) Technique" (p 954-957), IEEE 1983. 1; Vinson C. Alwin, David H. Navon, Luke J. Turgeon: "Time-Dependent Carrier Flow in a Transistor Structure Under Nonisothermal Conditions" (p 1297-1304), IEEE 1977. 1; William A. Lane, C. Andre T. Salama: "Epitaxial VVMOS Power Transistors" (p 349-355), IEEE 1980. 1; Wirojana Tantraporn, Victor A.K. Temple: "Multiple-Zone Single-Mask Junction Termination Extension-A High-Yield Near-Ideal Breakdwon Voltage Technology" (p 220-2210), IEEE 1987. 1; X.B. Chen et al. "High voltage sustaining structure with enbedded oppositely doped regions", 1999. 1; X.B. Chen et al., "Theory of a novel voltage-sustaining layer for power devices" (from Microelectronics Journal), 1998. 1; X.B. Chen, P.A. Mawby, K. Board et. al, "Theory of a Novel Voltage-Sustaining Layer for Power Devices" (from Microeletronics Journal), 1998. 1; X.B. Chen, Z.Q. Song, Z.J. Li: "Optimization of the Drift Region of Power MOSFET's with Lateral Structures and Deep Junctions" (p 2344-2350), IEEE 1987. 1; Xing Bi Chen & Johnny K.O. Sin "A Novel High Voltage Sustaining Structure with Buried Oppositely Doped Regions", Chinese Journal of Semiconductors Jul. 1999. 1; Zahir Parpia, C. Andre T. Salama, Robert A. Hadaway, "A CMOS-Compatible High-Voltage IC Process" (p 1687-1694), IEEE Oct. 1988. 1; Zhang Bo, Chen Xingbi, Li Zhaoji: "Two Dimensional Electric Field Analysis of JTE Junctions" (pp. 626-632), Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 1992. 1